Activities of the Group

Lecture Club -

About every two weeks, the Group has a meeting called Lecture Club. It is a friendly meeting during which a member of the team exposes us an article she/he found interesting for him/the group. There are absolutely no constraints on the choice of the article. It is usually a good time for great scientific enthusiastic discussions, and also to increase our general knowledge.

Usually, by the end of the presentation, we keep about 10 minutes for people to make announcement of other exciting papers published recently, news books, or forthcoming meetings. Take a look at what was the last paper we talked about recently, you will be amazed by the wide range of interest. What interests you interests us.

The Casas Group Day -

Every year, usually around June, the Group meets for an entire day. Everyone presents his research undergone during the previous year or so in a more formal fashion than in the usual group gatherings. The main objective of such meeting is to get every member aware of what happens in the Group. It is a highly social event: lunch is taken in a French restaurant, and scientific results are discussed with a cup of coffee in the hand. It is especially a good place for everyone to show their most recent results and to get insights into the best way to present them further in international meetings. It has their flavour, without their risks! We intend to move to two meetings a year from 2009 onwards.


Click here to see pictures of our lab !

Not available

The Casas Group - People from left to right:

To be listed.

The EducInsecte project.

Created and led by Wilfried Kaiser, Jonathan Voise and Jérémy Defrize.

The EducInsect project is to inform people of what kind of work is being conducted in our lab. It does so in a simple and educational way. The background objective is to teach people stories about the fascinating world of insects.

The project consists in preparing entomological boxes containing photos of the insect in its natural environment, information on its ecology and behaviour and the true insect, dried and pinned on. Both insects studied in our lab and insects you can find in our region are exposed. The project is exposed during the open-days of the university, when everyone can visit. Another targeted group are secondary schools.

Thank you guys for going out to catch insects!

Sex Ratio in the Group -

This did fluctuate drastically over the years, between some 0.8 to 0.2, depending on scientific qualification. In other words, we do not care about the sex ratio.

Read about what happened during our last LC.

LC Listing.

The full listing of the papers we dealt with since 2003.

Various Past Events :


The XIIth INVERTEBRATE SOUND AND VIBRATION MEETING was held in Tours, France, October 27-30, 2008. Our group actively organised this quite exciting international meeting.


                        ISV 2008 meeting web site

Jérôme Casas has co-edited, with Stephen J. Simpson, a volume in the book series of Advances in Insect Physiology.


Orientation towards hosts in haematophagous insects: an integrative perspective

     Claudio R. Lazzari

From sialomes to the sialoverse: an insight into salivary potion of blood feeding insects

     José M. C. Ribeiro, Bruno Arcà

The enemy within: interactions between tsetse, trypanosomes and symbionts

     Deidre P. Walshe, Cher Pheng Ooi, Michael J.

     Lehane, Lee R. Haines

Interactions of trypanosomatids and triatomines

     Günter Schaub

Lyme disease spirochete-tick-host interactions

     Katharine R. Tyson, Joseph Piesman

Epidemiological consequences of the ecological physiology of ticks

     Sarah E. Randolph

2008 :

Congratulations to David Giron who was recently invited to give a plenary session at the  11th Gordon Research Conference on Plant-Herbivore interaction in  Galveston Texas (Chair: Heidi M. Appel - Vice chair: Colin M. Orians)

Congratulations to Jonathan Voise for his prize as the best presentation in the session

biomechanics at the annual meeting of the SEB in glasgow (2009). See the publication page for his work.

Congratulations as well to Teresita Insausti, who has a photo of a spider-crab published in the 2009 calendar edited by the Society for Experimental Biology!

Jérôme Casas has co-edited a volume in the book series of Advances in Insect Physiology:

Insect Mechanics and Control,

Edited by Jérôme Casas & Stephen J. Simpson,

Series Editor Stephen J. Simpson,

Advances in Insect Physiology, 2008,

Volume 34,

Academic Press/Elsevier, San Diego, 396 pp.

Read an Editorial Review on

2009 :

Prof. E. McCauley was with us for 6 months (2009) on 'Le Studium Chaire d'excellence'.  Professor McCauley holds a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Population Ecology at University of Calgary, and has recently been appointed Professor of Ecology at the University of California, Santa Barbara and will become Director of the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis in Santa Barbara in 2010.  

He will work with J. Casas and others on different problems in population dynamics and integrative physiology, from understanding the biotic integrity of the Loire river, to multitrophic interactions on alpine insects to particle tracking in Daphnia.              

David Giron recently (2009) got his Leding Research Habilitation entitled: A multidimensional dynamic approach to the nutritional ecology of insects: from host-parasitoid to plant-insect interactions.

Institut de Recherche sur la Biologie de l’Insecte
UMR CNRS 6035 UFR Sciences et Techniques
Avenue Monge - Parc Grandmont
37200 Tours
Phone: +33 (0)2 47 36 69 11
Fax: +33 (0)2 47 36 69 66

Back up

2010 :

• We welcome Laurence Albert and Florence Gutzwiller. Laurence, from the Agrocampus Ouest of Rennes, will be doing her research training with us. Florence is from the Master2 Insect (Tours) and will be doing her research training with us as well.

• Dr. Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde, from INRA Orléans, is irregularily with us to work on a monograph on leafminers, a projet led by J. Casas and including D. Giron & S. Pincebourde.


Nathan Morehouse who obtained the Warner Clyde Allee Prize from the Animal Behavior Society for his presentation at the annual meeting of the society.

Sylvain Pincebourde (CNRS) just obtained an ANR Grant (MicroCliMite: Cascading from global to microclimate: thermal budgets of a plant-herbivore interaction) for 4 years to work on the thermal budgets of a plant-herbivore interaction.

David Giron who recently obtained the Perry Adkisson Award, given by the Texas A&M University. The Perry Adkisson Award was conceived to promote excellence in faculty research in the diverse sub-disciplines of Entomology.

Jérôme Casas who was promoted to the grade of ‘Professeur Classe Exceptionnelle’ (Professor of Exceptional Level).

Jérôme Casas who has been nominated to be part of the interdisciplinary assessment committee for Chairs of Excellence in Canada.

• SERL organized by some of our PhD students with other PhD students from the IRBI

Lab Life Tours city. How to reach us.