Lasers & video:
- Particle Image Velocimetry PIV
- Laser Doppler Anemometry LDA
- Hot wire Anemometry
- Laser Doppler Vibrometer
- High speed video camera
- Wind tunnel
- Campbell weather stations CR10X
- Thermocouples (Copper Constantan 0.2mm)
- Pyranometers (Campbell Scientific)
- Quantum sensor (LiCor)
- Hot wire wind velocity meter
- Hygrometer
- Conviron chamber
Colour measurement:
- Spectrometer
- Monochromator
- Radiometer
- Goniometer
Microscopy & Electrophysiology:
- Light Microscope
- Motorized Microtome
- Ultramicrotome Leica
- Glass knife maker for microtomy and ultramicrotomy
- Electrophysiology equipment for extra- and intracellular recordings, and cellular
Biochemistry & molecular techniques:
- Capillary Electrophoresis (cations, anions, sugars)
- Cellular and subcellular analyses
- Colorimetric techniques to quantify lipids, sugars, proteins and glycogen
- Thin Layer Chromatography
- Cloning and sequencing
- Spectrophotometry
- Micro-injection & micro-extraction
- Osmotic and turgor pressure measurements
Keywords :
Integrative biology
Organismal biology
Functional ecology
Quantitative ecology
Population dynamics
Community dynamics
Climate change biology
Nature inspired technology
Biological invasions
Arthropod biology
Multitrophic interactions
Chemical ecology
Environmental genomics
Institut de Recherche sur la Biologie de l'Insecte
UMR 7261 Faculté des Sciences et Techniques
Avenue Monge, Parc Grandmont
37200 TOURS (France)